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Love Compatibility Report


Love Compatibility Report:


Sagittarius and Aquarius are two independent zodiac signs which are pretty comfortable with their solitary status. The fiery shooter is a rebellious spirit who despises chaining, while the airy water carrier cherishes their alone time. On the other hand, Astrologers believe that these two have what it takes to make a relationship successful. The zodiac compatibility of Sagittarius and Aquarius tells you everything you need to know about this Fire and Air sign couple.

This is the first relationship between Britney (Sagittarius) and Justin (Aquarius); thus, it has Hollywood appeal. Sagittarius and Aquarius are two signs that get along swimmingly on initial encounters. They are in a sextile aspect, which means they are two characters apart. This is linked to a Venus aspect in astrology, which encourages harmony, easiness, and consensus.

They're both highly independent signs who prefer independence in their partnerships. Sagittarius can go at any time for a weekend excursion, and Aquarius will offer them off. Aquarius can spend as much time alone as they want without feeling bad. In this domain, they don't expect too much from one other.

These liberal pairs were made for each other, and when they look at each other, they see themselves differently. Sagittarius, the hot, changeable sign, is emotionally open, forgiving, and has a vast heart, whereas Aquarius, the airy, fixed sign, marches to the rhythm of a different drum. Sagittarius enjoys having pretty diverse notions about what makes a relationship work.

This is a couple who will have tremendous dreams together. They'll have a lot of in-depth discussions and will always be aware of each other's positions. However, they may make a lot of prospective promises without following through, which could lead to long-term problems.








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Positive Aspects

The exchange of information between the two signs is simple, elegant, and uncomplicated. There are no boundaries in their verbal communication, which is the most critical factor in their relationship's survival. Sagittarius is philosophical, whereas Aquarius is brilliant. Their discussions are intellectually engaging for both of them, and given their fondness for spontaneity; they sometimes take unexpected turns. This excites Sagittarius and Aquarius even more, given their preference for surprises. That's how natural it is for these two souls' words to flow freely between them! Their shared love for life connects them on a deeper level, and the high level of honesty found in both Aquarius and Sagittarius helps the partnership rest on a solid foundation of trust.